Podere VolpaioPodere Volpaio

Podere Volpaio

The rosè

Discover sweet and fresh rose’ wine, it follows you wherever you go

As fresh as a white but without abandoning red wine qualities, it can embrace particular foods. It is never obtained by mixing wines, but by using only slightly pigmented red-berried grapes, macerating red grapes for a short time only or using a blend of mixed grapes.

Volpaio Rosè

A coral coloured wine, intensely pinkish, with violet notes. It shows great intensity, net flavours of fresh fruit, peach, plum and a hint of wild strawberry and black cherry. Excellent harmony, a full and fragrant IGT Tuscan wine.

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Organic Certification

CERTIFICATION BIO EU Commission ensures that production takes place in harmony with nature in a sustainable way. The bio operators are inspected once a year and do not produce OGM, they do not use pesticides and founded the production techniques of knowledge and the production area resources.


VEGANOK is the first certification for Ethical Vegan products originated in Italy, whose staff is entirely made up of vegans who care about the spread of this ethical choice, depth knowledge of every aspect of the Vegan choice and everything related to the respect of the life of every living thing.